Tui Newsletter – May/June 2019


Please can you pack extra clothing and footwear for your child during the Winter months. An extra pair of gumboots is always great, as our tamariki still enjoy water play and playing in the sandpit. Wet bags need to be returned thank you. If your child is sick can you please ring to inform the staff, so they can make note of this in the illness register. Polyhigh operational hours are from 7:45 – 5:45 if you wish to talk to one of the teachers about your child, please ensure you allow enough time either in the morning or the afternoon. Thank you. Can you please remember to pack a named drink bottle for your child, these are to go home daily to be washed and ready for the following day. Please can you support the teaching team by encouraging your child to leave their toys at home. Polyhigh is well resourced and toys can cause conflict amongst peers and undue distress if they are lost or broken.

Working Bee

Thank you to all of the whanau who attended the Polyhigh working Bee which was on the 8th of June. It was great to work alongside you and we achieved some great results.

Programme Planning


The children in the Tui room have been exploring Tangaroa, the god of the sea. We are using some of our very special books about Tangaroa as provocations and our tamariki have created some beautiful marble paintings that represent the nautilus paua shell. We will also be investigating marine life that is unique to Aotearoa. Thank you to Spencer’s whanau who brought in a copy of the Forest and Bird magazine, Spencer was keen to share his knowledge about the impact “Bycatch” has on marine life.

If you think you can contribute to our current focus in any way, please don’t hesitate to talk to one of the teachers. We will also be planning some fun excursions so if you can offer parental help for these, that too would be greatly appreciated.

A warm welcome to …

Charley MacDonald and her whanau Kelly and Ritchie.
Elise Pullar and her whanau Julia and James.
Sullivan Craig and his whanau Lisa and Andy.
Mabel Fall and her whanau Rob, Naomi and her brother Fintan


We have had a few changes to our core Tui teaching team. The lovely Nat has decided to pursue a pattern making career in the fashion industry working at Mandatory menswear store in the CBD. Melissa has accepted a fulltime teaching position in the Kiwi room working with our infants. Cassie has accepted a fulltime teaching position in the Tui room. Megan has increased her days to four permanent days. Jess, our new reliver will be working in the Tui room three days a week covering our non-contact We also have Rose Gillies who is a student from Wellington High doing an eleven-week placement in the Tui room on a Thursday.